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File Created: 19-Feb-1990 by George Owsiacki (GO)
Last Edit:  12-May-1998 by Larry Jones (LDJ)

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Name PJ Mining Division Nanaimo
BCGS Map 092F068
Status Showing NTS Map 092F09W
Latitude 049º 40' 51'' UTM 10 (NAD 83)
Longitude 124º 27' 00'' Northing 5504155
Easting 395398
Commodities Gold, Silver, Lead, Zinc Deposit Types I06 : Cu+/-Ag quartz veins
Tectonic Belt Insular Terrane Wrangell
Capsule Geology

The PJ occurrence area is underlain by strongly jointed porphyritic basalts of the Upper Triassic Karmutsen Formation, Vancouver Group. The basalts host a fracture-related, narrow quartz vein striking 335 degrees and dipping 75 degrees east. The vein ranges from 0.1 to 0.5 metres in width and is exposed over a strike length of 45 metres by several pits. It is crudely banded with minor carbonate and passes laterally to a rusty shear. Minor pyrite is present. The core of the vein, 7 centimetres wide, contains disseminated sphalerite and galena which occasionally forms thin lenses.

A grab sample from the core of the vein assayed 31.94 grams per tonne gold, 77.81 grams per tonne silver, 3.08 per cent lead and 3.01 per cent zinc (Assessment Report 10573).

EMPR ASS RPT *10573, 11383
GSC MAP 1386A; 17-1968
GSC OF 463
GSC P 68-50